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5 Trusted Professionals You’ll Need as You Age


Independence, individualism and self-sufficiency are encouraged and admired in our country. There’s nothing wrong with any of these traits. Nor is there anything wrong with needing or seeking help at any stage of life.

The challenge arises with aging.

As our bodies and minds change it becomes apparent help is needed in multiple ways. Sometimes the suggestion of help is stubbornly refused. Actual help is rebuffed.

Letting go is not always easy.

Help may seem unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

We may need help in the business of our daily lives and/or with our healthcare. Either way, if you’ve forever been self-reliant, it can be a tough adjustment.

Denise’s Advice

I can assure you from my 30+ years of experience working with adults making transitions in life that getting a trusted professional in each of the 5 categories below, sooner rather than later, is a very wise idea.
Make the important decisions regarding your life and your affairs while you can.
Please reach out to us at Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management ( if you need a referral in any of these areas.
We work with the best in each category and we never take a referral fee from them.
Here are the top 5 Professionals to have on your side as you age.


A geriatrician is a primary care physician who specializes in the care and treatment of older adults.
Parents visit pediatricians for their specialized training and understanding of babies and young children. On the other end of the spectrum, geriatricians are also specially trained and have an understanding of the most advanced care available for older adults.
One of the best features of being cared for by a geriatrician is that they integrate your care. They are the central point for all of the other physician specialists you may need to see. They make the referrals, set the appointments and follow up with you. They are your primary doctor.

NOTE: There is a difference between a gerontologist and a geriatrician.

A geriatrician is a medical doctor. A gerontologist is a professional who specializes in the issues of aging. They may have a certificate of gerontology.
Make sure you seek the right professional for your needs. We can guide you. Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management (

Elder Law Attorney

An elder law attorney is one who advocates for the elderly and their loved ones.
Please put your affairs in order before it’s too late. It is always better to be prepared.
Not doing so leaves a tremendous burden on those you leave behind.

Here’s a sample of what you and your elder law attorney need to discuss:

⦁ Wills
⦁ Estate Planning
⦁ Powers of Attorney
⦁ Advance Directives
⦁ DNR or Do Not Resuscitate Orders
⦁ Guardianship or Conservatorship
⦁ Resource availability: VA Benefits, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.

More Information:
What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do? – FindLaw
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (

Financial Advisor

This professional is helpful throughout your life but especially as you near retirement.
Financial advisors counsel on wealth management and personal money matters. They can assist with putting together a retirement savings plan and also address life insurance, real estate, debt payoff, and estate management.
Most financial advisors also work with your team of other professionals like attorneys and accountants to ensure your money is working in the best way for your needs.
There are many ways to work with a trusted financial advisor. Please reach out to us for trusted referrals. Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management (

In Home Caregiver

As challenging as it is to ask for help with financial planning, medical care and legal advice, admitting you need help managing your life within your own home seems even more difficult for many seniors.

The best thing to do is make a list of tasks that you, or your loved one, seems to be struggling with. Some may include:

⦁ Personal hygiene like bathing, brushing teeth, toileting, putting on clean clothes, shaving, etc.
⦁ Mobility like taking neighborhood walks or even getting around inside the home.
⦁ Meal preparation. Everything from grocery shopping to the actual cooking.
⦁ Transportation needed for medical appointments and errands
⦁ Pet care including walking, taking to appointments, clean up, feeding, etc.
⦁ Housekeeping including laundry
⦁ Medicine management

Many services are available to assist in meeting all of these needs to help you or your loved one remain safely and easily in the home.
Contact us for assistance and referrals.

Transitional Specialists

This is what we are at Craft LifeStyle Management.
We transition clients into the right place, staying within their financial resources, the first time, all the time.
We advocate on your behalf in a timely and calm manner as we find you the most appropriate ‘home’ and level of care to fit your needs.
Click on this link What We Do – Craft Lifestyle Management ( to discover what we’ve been doing for clients for over 30 years at Craft LifeStyle Management.

HINT: Be sure to click on the + sign next to each category to get more information.

Please be prepared in life. “Be in Charge. Not in Crisis.”

These 5 professionals will help coach you so you can be at peace while aging. Of course, there are other professionals needed. Today, these are my top 5 for you to have on your team.

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©February 2021. All rights reserved.