A Letter of Truths & Honesty from Denise
Happy New Year!! I cannot believe we are already well into January.
Little tidbit. January comes from the Greek word Janus meaning transitions, looking to the past and to the future.
Looking back, 2022 was a year of multiple transitions for our family as I’m sure it was for many of you. For us, loved ones passed. A baby was born. Other milestones were achieved.
Whatever your 2022 looked like, I’m hoping for much happiness in your 2023 while acknowledging the sorrows you may have experienced on your journey to this new year.
Holidays are such a stressful time.
Stress is not a bad thing! The excitement of gathering and all of the preparation before that happens can be uplifting. I would love to say that during my holiday season I carved not just a turkey or ham but also that I carved out time for myself to rebalance and enter the holidays and the new year centered.
Truth is that did not happen. The last quarter of 2022 was jam packed. There were many joyful experiences balanced with much sorrow.
Years ago, I told my kids it doesn’t matter when we get together on holidays. What’s most important is that we ALL gather together. In fact, we created our own word for this moment: “Thankmas Day.” A day where we celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays all in one big celebration. Gifts are minimal and only for the kids. The greatest gift is all being happy and merry together while eating, drinking and sharing time with one another.
This one decision has taken so much holiday pressure off everyone. It also makes those spontaneous gatherings throughout the rest of the year stress-free and joy-filled.

There are also NO New Year’s resolutions to add more stress to our already full schedules. Instead, this year I’m suggesting we work toward ‘Modifications’ in our lives’. Let’s all find 3 things in our life to just Modify. Heck, I don’t know all 3 of mine yet but I do know breathing is on the top of my list!
What can you modify or tweak in your daily life? I have a book of what that means to me! For sure I know I will be working toward more time with all of our grandkids and time together with our family.
Family dynamics are crazy for everyone and our family is no different. My husband, Greg, and his sister, Deb, reconnected during the passing of their mother in 2022. This experience brought them closer together, joined by Deb’s husband, Mike. I am so beyond thankful for this new bonding.
It’s going to be a fabulous 2023!
I can take a breath knowing Greg and Deb’s mom is no longer suffering. I can breathe seeing how happy Greg is to have Deb back in his life. I can breathe seeing Greg travel with Deb and Mike. Trust me! They are breathing better without me accompanying them all the time. In fact, they may be a bit calmer and enjoy just watching the waves and breathing in the salty sea air.
And, while I’m still busy working and enjoying every minute of it, Greg, who has officially retired, can breathe too. I believe breathing is enjoying the moment and taking it all in. And, before you all DM me, I do know my breathing style is different than most people’s. ?
2023 will have many highlights. One of those is that our Ashland historical commercial building, which has been suffocated for decades, is starting to breathe again as we bring it back to life. This is all due to my family. I can breathe because they fully support me and my crazy ideas! For this I am thankful for every breath I share with each of them.
Here’s to 2023-a year of modifications and meaningful breaths. ❤Denise