November is National Family Caregivers Month

In 1997, Bill Clinton signed the first National Family Caregivers Month (NFC) Presidential Proclamation and every president since has followed by issuing an annual proclamation recognizing and honoring family caregivers each November.
It is a time for recognizing and honoring family caregivers across the country. The month highlights all dedicated supportive caregivers as they care for others. It creates an awareness of resources available for self-care, advocacy and de-stressing for our caregivers.
2021 Theme
This year’s theme is #CaregiverAnd which encourages family caregivers to celebrate the passions and interests that enrich their own lives. It acknowledges caregivers have responsibilities in addition to caregiving.
Many times, the role of family caregiver overshadows the caregivers identity and instead emphasizes the care they provide for a loved one. Keeping one’s sense of self makes a caregiver’s life complete.
Self-care prevents caregiver burnout; therefore, caregivers must practice self-care in conjunction with family caregiving.
Family Caregivers
Families are the primary source of support to older adults and people with disabilities. Caregiving can take a significant emotional, financial and physical toll. With nearly half of all caregivers over the age of 50, many are vulnerable to decline in their own health.
An AARP study reported one in ten family caregivers had nobody to talk to about their own private matters. Additionally, one in five had nobody to ask for help. These statistics are startling. That is why NFC month is so important.
Celebrating family caregivers during NFC month allows all of us to:
- Say thank you and give back to family caregivers
- Educate family caregivers about self-identification
- Increase support for family caregivers
- Raise awareness of family caregiver issues
- Celebrate the efforts of family caregivers

We See You
Craft LifeStyle Management always recognizes those who devote time and effort to providing care for a relative or other close friend.
This month, we are especially delighted to take the time to honor caregivers and shine a light on all family caregivers who are the silent superheroes of society.
We see you!
You are unspoken heroes to us.
We acknowledge all you do out of the goodness of your heart.
If we can help you as a caregiver, in any way, reach out to us. Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management (
You have all of our love and respect! -❤Denise
SHARE this post with all of the special caregivers and silent superheroes in your life.
© November 2021 Craft LifeStyle Management.
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More Information
Home Alone Revisited: Family Caregivers Providing Complex Care (
Caregiving for Family and Friends — A Public Health Issue (